The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library. - Albert Einstein
The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.
Browse the Latest Arrivals
1. Strict Silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library.
2. Use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
3. Every member should sign the visitor's register available at the entrance gate of the library.
4. Users should not deface, cut, mutilate or damage library materials (including documents) in any form.
5. Eatables/bags/personal books or journals in the library will not be allowed.
6. The library card is not transferable and its loss must immediately be reported to the librarian. User will be held responsible for misuse of his/her library card.
7. Journals (Unbound issues)/ Reference books/Reports will not be issued form the library.
8. No circulation will take place from the reference library.